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Physical processes worksheets

Conductors and insulators worksheet

Conductors and insulators

Use this worksheet to discuss conductors and insulators with your child. See if they can work out which materials will make the bulb light up and why.
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What plants need to grow part 2

What plants need to grow part 2

Following on from part 1 of the experiment, this further develops your child's knowledge of healthy plant growth and encourages their skills of comparison and conclusion.
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Investigate rock properties worksheet

Investigate rock properties

Worksheet encouraging children to think about the properties of different rocks.
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Changing sounds: vibrations activity

Changing sounds: vibrations

An activity sheet with ideas for things to do at home that demonstrate the connection between sound and vibrations.
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Different forces in action worksheet

Different forces in action

This worksheet has pictures to prompt children into thinking about the different forces that are at work in everyday life. It also gives another sheet with explanations of the different forces.
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Understanding magnetic objects

Understanding magnetic objects

Fun experiments to help your child learn about magnetism and magnets.
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Light and dark vocabulary worksheet

Light and dark vocabulary

On this worksheet, children need to match the words 'transparent', 'translucent', 'opaque' and 'shadow' with the correct definitions.
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Changing state: condensation activity

Changing state: condensation

A worksheet with activities your child can try at home to demonstrate the process of condensation.
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Experimenting with circuits worksheet

Experimenting with circuits

This worksheet asks children to think about what difference extra bulbs or cells make to a circuit.
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Build a metal detector and learn about magnetism

Build a metal detector and learn about magnetism

Extend your child's understanding of magnetism by helping them build a metal detector.
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Light and shadows facts worksheet

Light and shadows facts

This worksheet gives facts about light and shadows that children need to read and then work out whether they think they are true or false.
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Changing state: evaporation worksheet

Changing state: evaporation

A worksheet with pictures of the process of evaporation. Children need to write in the boxes what they think is happening in each picture.
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Harmful micro-organisms worksheet

Harmful micro-organisms

This download prompts your child to think about the harmful micro-organisms that are killed by cleaning products.
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Gravity explained worksheet

Gravity explained

Deepen your child's understanding of gravity and offer an opportunity to illustrate that understanding.
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Magnets quiz worksheet

Magnets quiz

Questions about magnets for children to think about and / or research.
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Comparative sizes of the Earth, sun and moon activity

Comparative sizes of the Earth, sun and moon

An activity for your child to try at home to help them get a clear understanding of the comparative sizes of and distances between the Earth, Sun and moon.
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Making your own compost activity

Making your own compost

This download explains the process of micro-organisms being useful in helping organic matter to decay. It then gives instructions on how to make your own compost.
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Demonstrate the power of flight

Demonstrate the power of flight

Learning activity: launching a bottle rocket to demonstrate the power of flight. Please note: adult help is required to construct and launch the bottle rocket.
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Rocks and soil facts worksheet

Rocks and soil facts

This worksheet encourages children to read through the list of statements about rocks and soils and then decide whether they are true or false.
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Proving that air exists activity

Proving that air exists

Activities for your child to do at home that will demonstrate the fact that air exists.
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