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Year 1 articles

Happy, smiling children
10 things you need to know about Autistic Spectrum Disorders in children
Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) are often difficult to understand and diagnose. We take a look some of the key things to know about them and how they could affect your child.
Family playing a board game
Engaging activities for children with autism
Providing your autistic child with activities that stimulate them but make them feel secure at the same time can be a challenge. Tessa Scott looks at fun activities that benefit autistic children.
Happy family
Asperger’s Syndrome diagnosis - what happens next?
A diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome may seem a relief after months of uncertainty. But what happens next? Catherine Burrows reports.
Angry child with hands over ears
Living with ADHD
What is ADHD and how can it affect your child? We take a look at the symptoms and provide expert advice on the needs of a child with ADHD.
Smiling children
10 things parents need to know about ADHD
ADHD can be a difficult condition for parents to understand. Read on for an insight into it and how you can help your child cope.
Happy bunch of children
How music can soothe hyperactivity
Some experts believe that music has the power to soothe and relax a child with hyperactivity and can help them control their own behaviour. We explore this fascinating theory with tips on how to try it with your child.
Boy looking fed up
Understanding ADHD in children
Understanding how ADHD affects your child at school, and the type of support that should be in place, will make it easier for you to help them through their education, writes Shivon Genus.
Stressed out child chewing on a pencil
Managing ADHD at home
At school a child with ADHD has SEN support, special educational needs coordinators and classroom assistants, but when they come home how can you cope with their behaviour alone?
Brothers fighting
Children with ADHD – how to support their siblings
Sibling rivalry is a common issue in many households, but it can be extra challenging for the family of a child with ADHD. We offer expert advice on ways you and your family can negotiate living with ADHD.
Little boy shouting
Does my child have ADHD?
Every child’s behaviour can occasionally be loud and boisterous. So how can you tell the difference between lively activity and something more serious?
Mum reading a book with her son
What is a learning style?
What are learning styles and how might you hear about them during your child's primary school education?
Little girl looking through camera
Photography for children – the benefits
Find top tips on children's photography and great photographic 'assignments' you can try with your budding photographer.
Little girl reading a book
Reading outside the book
For many children, reading is something they only associate with books. But beyond the page lies a world of words just waiting to be read. Here’s how you can strengthen children's reading skills every day.
Teamwork in primary school
How to teach your child teamwork
We take a look at the importance of building team skills from a young age, and what you can do to support your child.
Child writing a poem
Inspire your child to write poetry
Encouraging your child to pick up a pen and try writing some poetry can help them become more emotionally literate and improve their confidence. We have some top children's poetry tips.
family having fun in car
Learning games to play on long car journeys
Going on a long car journey with the kids? Sick of hearing ‘are we nearly there yet?’ Banish boredom by trying some fun, educational games with your children.
Sperm and egg
Top tips on talking to your kids about the birds and the bees
As a parent it’s not always easy to know where to start when it comes to your children's sex education. To help ease into the subject, try our top tips.
Child on a farm
Learning English and maths outdoors
The great outdoors is a place where learning can take diverse shapes and forms. We take a look at how you can use it to strengthen your child’s literacy and numeracy skills.
Desk with lots of learning gear on it
Private tutors – your questions answered
Giving children a bit of extra support with their learning is something many parents choose to do. We take a look at what you need to consider when choosing a tutor.
Boy drawing plans on blackboard
DIY for children – what it teaches them
Have you ever considered keeping your kids busy round the house with a spot of DIY? Find out what it could teach your child, plus some handy activities to try.
How singing can support children’s learning
Singing can support children’s learning and emotional development. We take a look at how a good sing-song could help your child.
Girl reading on the beach
6 reasons why summer learning is important
The school gates may have closed for the summer, but that’s no reason to allow your child’s mind to follow suit. We have six top tips for summer learning fun.
Child writing letters on blackboard
How does dyslexia impact on a child's learning?
We look at how dyslexia can affect your child at school and strategies to use at home to support their learning.
Mum reading with her sons
Why it’s important to make time for reading
Reading with your child is a valuable part of their learning, and your relationship, but how do you make the time in busy family life?
Piggy bank
9 ways to teach your children the value of money
Every child can benefit from learning some valuable lessons about finance. We suggest simple strategies to help your primary-school child understand money, whatever their age.
Father laughing with son
How to tell your child a story – without a book
Once upon a time, before the onslaught of video games, DVDs and the internet, telling stories was one of the only forms of entertainment. Jasmin Qureshi looks at how it can still be beneficial (and great fun!) today.
Mum and daughter talking
How to talk to your child about sex
Not many parents relish the thought of having the "birds and the bees talk" with their children. We asked professionals for tips on making conversations about sex, puberty and relationships easier.
Children doing experiments
Fun science activities to try at home
Want to inspire your child to enjoy science? Try these easy, engaging activities together at home.
Girl laughing with violin
5 top tips for success learning an instrument
Increased self-confidence, better coordination skills, more focus and general well-being... just a few of the benefits of learning to play an instrument, parents say. Follow this advice to support your child in their musical education; it will take time (years!) and patience, but the rewards for the whole family are immense.
Boy having piano lesson
How to support your child in learning an instrument
Fewer children than ever are taking up a musical instrument. However, learning music is a fantastic skill. How do we get our children to take it up and which instrument should you pick? Emily Organ reports.
Movie reel
What children gain from school film clubs
Film clubs are enjoying a resurgence of interest thanks to a new scheme which provides schools with a range of films and the technology to screen them. Schools claim the learning opportunities are broad. We sent Emily Organ to investigate.
Letters in sand
How multi-sensory learning works
Multi-sensory learning is a not only a great way to help children develop their literacy skills, it's also great fun. Author of Spelling Made Magic, Clare Winstanley, explores the technique.
Reading tips for dyslexic children
Top tips to help your dyslexic child enjoy reading
Reading might be difficult for some dyslexic children, but that doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy it. We have tips to help you inspire them to love books.
Child holding globe
How to help your child learn a foreign language
Learning a language opens up a whole new world for children. But where should you start? Dawn Francis-Pester reports.
Mum and daughter giggling
How storytelling can boost learning
As a tool for developing speaking skills, literacy and bonding between parent and child, storytelling is unsurpassed. Phoebe Doyle investigates why it’s so beneficial.
Boy studying a map
Simple strategies to end the homework wars
Do battles over homework leave you – and your children – seething? Moira Holden looks at ways to make homework time run more smoothly.
Happy children
How to help your child to love learning
Want to support your child’s education but at a loss as to where to start? Emily Organ spoke to educational psychologist Jeni Hooper to pick up some practical, easy-action tips.
Little girls at computer
The importance of ICT
Information and communication technology (ICT) is such an integral part of our lives that it is embedded right across the curriculum. Crispin Andrews looks at its importance.
Boy smiling at computer
Home learning with an ICT twist
Help your child get ahead with their ICT skills and learning in other subjects all at once with these clever tips
Children working at computer
How technology can boost dyslexic children's learning
Mind mapping is a great way for dyslexic children to learn and using computer software to do it makes it even easier. Read on to find out more.