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Year 2 articles

Children at theme park
Holiday learning in theme parks, museums and on the move
Holidays are anything but an education-free-zone says Phoebe Doyle, teacher and mum. Make the most of your children's experiences outside the classroom by turning them into literacy and numeracy learning adventures.
Children listening to an audiobook
Listen and learn: why audiobooks are great for your child
Whether your child is a voracious reader or is horrified at the suggestion of picking up a book, audiobooks could have some surprising benefits. Lucy Dimbylow explains how they could boost literacy skills, and shares our pick of the best to get you started.
Kinaesthetic learners: homework tips
Learning tips for kinaesthetic learners
To you, they might look like a fidget, but your child’s restlessness could actually be helping them learn. Find out more about the theory of kinaesthetic learners and how learning styles might be discussed during your child's time at primary school.
Auditory learners: tips and techniques
How to help your auditory learner
If your child prefers reading aloud, is always talking to themselves and provides a running commentary of everything they do, they could be an auditory learner. We explain what the learning styles theory suggests and why you might hear about t during your child's time at primary school.
Visual learners and learning style
Is your child a visual learner?
Does your child have an obsession with highlighters, or spend hours looking at YouTube videos about their latest class topic? They might be a visual learner. Read our guide to the theory of learning styles and how it might be mentioned during your child's time at primary school.
Roman emperor - classics for primary school children
Cool classics: Latin and Ancient Greek at primary school
If your child is often heard incanting Harry Potter spells, he’s probably familiar with a few Latin words already. But could Latin or Ancient Greek be on his school syllabus next year? Lucy Dimbylow looks at the benefits of learning classics, and how to get started at home.
Child completing exam
What are national curriculum levels?
In the past, primary school children taking SATs were given their results as a National Curriculum level. But what did these numbers actually mean? Lucy Dimbylow explains the grading system used in primary schools until September 2014 in parent-friendly language.
Reading and Numeracy tests
National Reading and Numeracy Tests explained for parents
All children in Wales from Y2 to Y9 take tests in reading and numeracy at the end of each school year. Find out what these tests involve, and how you can help your child prepare for them.
Delancey UK Schools Chess Challenge
Chess: the perfect game for kids
It’s free, portable, quiet enough to play anywhere and has powerful brain-boosting benefits for kids – and it’s fun, too. Here’s why you should get your child hooked on chess.
Child writing
21 things every parent needs to know about cursive handwriting
Learning to print letters was hard enough, and now your child is being encouraged to join them up. Lucy Dimbylow explains everything you need to know about cursive writing, and how you can support your child at home.
Child doing homework
KS1 maths SATs: what is tested in the Y2 assessments
Although KS1 SATS are no longer compulsory, your child's school may still choose to administer them as a way of tracking pupils progress. Word problems, place value, number bonds, polygons and pictograms – they’re all taught in KS1 maths and can be tested as part of the Y2 SATs or, from September 2023, assessed by your child's teacher. We review the learning objectives in parent-friendly language and give you examples and tips to help you support your child’s mathematical education at home.
Child balancing a book on her head
5 ways to raise an enterprising child
As parents we have a vital role to play in inspiring an enterprising attitude in our children, nurturing characteristics from an early age which will help them grow into happy adults. Lorraine Allman shares some easy, practical tips to help boost children's self-belief and confidence.
Child reading
KS1 English SATs: what is tested in the Y2 assessments
KS1 SATs are no longer compulsory, but some schools may still choose to administer them. We explain KS1 English SATs learning objectives, plus how to support your child’s literacy learning at home.
Child with money in hands
6 steps to a money-savvy child
We all want our kids to have the very best future, and ensuring they’ve got money sense is crucial to help make it happen. Mum-of-two and financial whizz Emily Richards shares a few down-to-earth strategies to equip your child with money management skills for life.
Playing with Scrabble letters
Simple ways to make spellings fun
If your child’s spellings have become the bane of your week-end it’s time to take a look at how you tackle the weekly-test challenge. Teacher Phoebe Doyle offers 10 suggestions to help make spelling practice more playful than stressful.
Learning Journey reward chart
The Learning Journey reward chart and certificates
Support your child's Learning Journey with these fantastic motivational resources – a colourful reward chart where you can set your own challenges and choose rewards together, and printable certificates to celebrate success.
Learning Journey
How the Learning Journey works
Find out how our fantastic primary school learning programme – The Learning Journey – could benefit you and your child as well as full details of how to use the reward charts and certificates!
Child playing on tablet
Best children’s tablets
Learning through play is digital now, with apps and games teaching everything from phonics to times tables and basic physics. If you’re planning to invest in a children’s tablet packed with educational potential, read our guide first – we asked two computer-savvy parents and six children to put some of the most popular through their paces.
Father Christmas
Best children’s books about Christmas
Get into the festive spirit with some Christmas-themed bedtime stories – perfect to snuggle up to in front of the tree, sipping mulled wine (you) and hot chocolate (them). From wintery classics to new favourites about Father Christmas and his life in the North Pole, this reading list is suitable for all ages.
Spiderman pages
Best personalised books for children
Give your child a really unique introduction to the world of fiction with a personalised book – after all, who wouldn’t want to be the hero or heroine of a fantastic adventure? Seeing their name – and face – in print, alongside favourite characters, will be a thrill whether they’re just starting to read for themselves or ready to embark on classic literature. We pick the best personalised books where your child has the starring role.
Girl writing in exercise book
7 common dyslexia questions answered
If your child is dyslexic you'll want to help them get the support they need at school and at home. Dr John Rack, Head of Research, Development and Policy at Dyslexia Action, answers common questions about dyslexia identification, homework and tutoring and suggests sources of further information and advice to help you help your child.
Schoolgirls writing
Beat back-to-school nerves
Many children feel a bit nervous about the start of a new school year, but for some, the jitters continue beyond the first few days. Here’s how to help your child de-stress if they’re finding going back to school a struggle.
Children's feet
You know you’re a primary school parent when…
Having a child at primary school grants you access to an exclusive club. Here’s what the members all have in common, says Lucy Dimbylow.
Name label
Best labelling solutions for school
Wish there was a labels fairy to transform the uniform pile into a neat stack of personalised clothing? Whether you’re super-organised and spread your labelling over the holidays or prone to last-minute panics and label-sewing all-nighters, these products are designed to help you get the job done – and look great, too.
Little girl handwriting
Handwriting practice: what all parents need to know
If you’re worried about your child’s handwriting and want to help them improve, you’re not alone – handwriting is an essential skill, but we all have to learn it, and it’s a very complex task. Legible, neat handwriting takes lots of practice – here are a few things to keep in mind when you’re working with your child at home.
Girls reading
7 of the best children’s reads for summer 2012
Mysteries, thrillers, supernatural tales and chick lit – we all want to pack a good book to read on holiday so make sure your child isn’t left out! From historical fiction to the new classic from Jacqueline Wilson, this super selection of books for KS2 readers means the whole family can have a fiction-packed break.
Dad doing homework with child and toddler
Siblings and homework: how to survive
Does your pre-schooler play havoc during his older sibling’s homework time? Is getting the reading, writing and spelling done a military operation every evening? Lucy Dimbylow asked experts and mums for their coping strategies.
Boy reading comic
Using comics to improve your child’s literacy
Struggling to get your child to pick up a book? A comic might have more appeal – and some surprising literacy-boosting benefits, especially for boys. Lucy Dimbylow explains why you don’t need to be snobbish about your child’s choice of reading material.
Girl writing on blackboard
What does gifted and talented mean?
Gifted and talented, more able, most able, high learning potential… We explain the terms that are used to describe high-flying kids, and how you can tell if your child is one.
Boy reading in the park
Supporting your gifted child at home and at school
Help your child reach their full potential with strategies and suggestions to support them in and out of school.
Girl writing in notebook
Creative writing techniques for kids: a step-by-step guide to writing a story
Encouraging children to write a story of their very own can give them an enormous confidence boost, as well as help them consolidate their literacy learning by putting their phonics, grammar and reading skills into practice. Primary teacher Phoebe Doyle offers parents tips on how to get their children’s creative thoughts flowing.
Girl reading
How to improve your child’s reading skills in KS1
Parents naturally want their child to read to the best of their ability, but often aren’t sure how to help them build on the skills they learn in class. Primary teacher Phoebe Doyle offers some expert tips on what your child needs to know to move to the next reading level.
Boy reading a book
School reading schemes explained
Ask any parent of a Reception child about Biff, Chip and Kipper, and they’ll know exactly who you’re talking about. But just how do primary school reading schemes work, and how can you tell if your child is progressing at the right rate? Lucy Dimbylow puts these questions to the teachers who use reading schemes in the classroom.
Mental Maths stopwatch
What is mental maths?
The ability to work sums in your head is an important skill that primary students must develop throughout the key stages. We explain what mental maths means in National Curriculum terms, and how you can help your child become a quick calculations whizz!
Girl in primary school wearing swimming goggles
Help! My child doesn’t want to go on school swimming lessons
Students in primary school are required to learn to swim, which is a difficult part of the curriculum for water-shy children to float through. Be prepared by finding out what the learning targets are, what responsibilities your school has, and how to help your child feel confident about taking the plunge.
Boy relaxing at the beach
5 ways to teach relaxation skills to your child
Knowing how to keep calm in emotionally difficult situations is an important life skill that’s never too early to learn. Even if you don’t feel you’ve mastered it yourself, you can still help your child manage their stress levels – and perhaps improve your own stress management in the process. Educational psychologist Lisa Gupta lends her top tips for parents.
Father and son reading together
Reading comprehension explained for parents
Once your child can read they’ll be working on understanding what they read and really engaging with words in their literacy lessons. Reading comprehension is also a big part of SATs. Teacher Alice Hart explains how you can help boost your child’s skills at home.
Student and teacher
Teachers’ top 10 classroom discipline tricks
Does every homework session end in tears and tantrums? Or are you losing sleep over getting your child to learn their spellings? Lucy Dimbylow asked the people who manage 30 children at a time (gulp!) – teachers and teaching assistants – to share their tried and tested tricks.
Father and daughter reading together
Reading to learn: how to get the most from reading with your children
Reading with your children at home not only lets them practise new words and sounds, but it can also help to improve their reading comprehension skills. Education writer and primary teacher Phoebe Doyle gives her top tips on helping to enrich reading time to prepare them for KS1 English SATs.
World Book Day logo
6 World Book Day activities for EYFS, KS1 & KS2
Celebrate World Book Day with these fun ideas for children of all ages – get a free book, join a reading group, raise money for charity and more!