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Children's behaviour articles

How to raise a confident child
How to raise a confident child
Help your child grow in confidence and self-esteem with these practical tips.
Schoolboys in the classroom
What is a pupil referral unit?
We explain what to expect if your child is referred to a pupil referral unit (PRU), an alternative to mainstream school.
Friendship bullying
How to cope with friendship bullying
What should you do if your child is being picked on by their friend? We asked the experts at Childline for advice about friendship bullying.
Benefits of boredom
Why boredom is good for your child
Does your child struggle to entertain themselves? We explain how they could benefit from being bored.
School exclusions explained for UK parents
6 reasons children are excluded from school – and what you can do about it
Every year, thousands of pupils are excluded temporarily or permanently from primary schools. We look at the facts behind the figures.
What is Circle Time?
What is Circle Time?
Circle Time is used in many primary schools, but what actually happens in these sessions? We've got the parents' guide.
Unhappy child: school refusal
Coping with school refusal
What do you do if your child develops a phobia of going to school? We look at strategies for handling school refusal.
Discipline in primary school
Discipline in primary schools: restorative practices
More and more schools are adopting a behaviour model that encourages kids to take responsibility for their actions. So how do restorative practices work?
Father and son talking
Talking to children about mental health
The way we talk to our children about mental health issues could influence their attitudes as they get older. SANE chief executive Marjorie Wallace gives her advice on opening the conversation.
Teens in school uniform
Preparing for the teenage years
Feeling daunted by the prospect of parenting a teenager? Putting in some groundwork before your child hits their teens could ease their passage through this troublesome time.
Child meditating in park
Mindfulness in primary schools explained
Mindfulness is now a part of the school day for many children. We take a look at how it helps them be their best.
Parent and child talking
Talking to children about terrorism and distressing events
How can we talk to our kids about tragic incidents without scaring them? We have expert tips for handling difficult conversations with your primary-school child.
Anger management for kids
How to help your child manage their anger
Is your child’s temper affecting their learning, friendship and family life? Anger management strategies could help them get their emotions under control.
Schoolboy studying in classroom
Helping your primary school child with exam stress
With increasing numbers of children suffering the effects of test anxiety, how can you help your child keep their nerves under control?
Family homework time
How to help a perfectionist child
We all want our kids to do well at school, but what if they’re setting themselves unrealistic standards? We take a look at the problem of perfectionism.
Teaching tolerance in primary school
Teaching children tolerance
With over a third of young people having witnessed hate speak online, how can we tackle intolerance by raising the next generation of open-minded and accepting kids?
School nurse and child
How a school nurse could help your child
School nurses play a vital role in linking the two important areas of education and health. We explain what their role involves and when you might need to see one.
Home education child
'Home educating our bullied daughter has changed our lives'
Lisa Miley from Essex began home educating her daughter Leanne, nine, after she was bullied at school. She shares her story.
Happy children
Teaching your child the art of happiness
Happiness and positivity can make a huge difference to your child’s wellbeing and achievement. We take a look at what schools are doing, and how you can help your child be happier every day.
Mother and daughter together
Help your child cope with difficult feelings
Watching your child deal with friendship problems, anxiety, bullying and bereavement is very difficult, but you can help them develop coping strategies and boost their resilience, says former primary-school teacher and author Avril McDonald.
What is growth mindset?
What is growth mindset?
It’s a huge trend in education in the US, and now it’s becoming a big deal here. We take a look at what growth mindset means for your child.
Children walking home from school
How to build your child's independence
Do you feel like you’re constantly nagging your child to get things done? Helping them develop their independent streak could help to break the trap.
Listening skills for kids
Improving your child’s listening skills
Listening is a vital skill for your primary-school child, but how can you help to develop it?
Mother and daughter hug
How to help your child with anxiety
Anxiety is on the rise amongst primary school children, but, with the right support, they can overcome it.
Playdates in primary school
33 things that always happen on after-school playdates
They're meant to be fun, but they can be anything but – especially if you're the host parent!
Child colouring
Concentration exercises for primary school children
Getting your child to concentrate can be a tricky task, so try these fun tasks to help improve their attention and focus.
Mum and child talking
Speaking and listening skills for SEN kids: parents' tips
Communicating effectively is hard for all of us, but children with special educational needs can find it particularly challenging. Help them practise their skills and boost their confidence with practical communication tips from parents from the disability charity Scope’s online community.
SEN friendship tips
Making friends and play for SEN kids: parents' tips
Making friends and learning how to play are an important part of growing up, but it can be hard for children with special educational needs to learn crucial social skills such as how to share and interact, how to take turns and how to negotiate with others. Help your child find kindred spirits with practical friendship tips from parents from the disability charity Scope’s online community.
ADHD and autism in girls
Autism and ADHD in girls
Spotting the signs of autism and ADHD in girls can be difficult, and getting a diagnosis even harder. So how can you tell if your daughter has one of these supposedly male-dominated conditions?
Mum and child looking at a computer
Is your child addicted to video games?
How do you know if your child’s passion for gaming is getting out of control? We explain how to spot the signs and beat the obsession.
The SEN code of practice 2014 explained for parents
The SEN code of practice 2014: what it means for your child
The special educational needs system underwent its biggest reform in 30 years from 2014. We explain the main changes and how they could affect your child.
Managing divorce and separation at school
Managing separation and divorce at school
Separation isn’t just a family affair – the consequences need to be managed at school, too. Moira Holden explains the legalities involved and experts give advice on how to deal with your child’s education as a separated family.
Primary school health
6 primary-school health concerns parents need to look out for
The days of colic and cradle cap may be long gone, but your primary school child is now susceptible to a different range of health issues. From tummy bugs and nits to emotional health concerns, Lucy Dimbylow looks at what you need to know to keep them safe and well.
Boy relaxing at the beach
5 ways to teach relaxation skills to your child
Knowing how to keep calm in emotionally difficult situations is an important life skill that’s never too early to learn. Even if you don’t feel you’ve mastered it yourself, you can still help your child manage their stress levels – and perhaps improve your own stress management in the process. Educational psychologist Lisa Gupta lends her top tips for parents.
Mum telling daughter off
How to avoid losing it with your children
As parents we do not have an inexhaustible supply of energy and enthusiasm, so if the patience is running thin, fear not, help is at hand!