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Hobbies and play articles

Child gardening
Creating a child-friendly garden
Whether you have an acre of land or a window box, it is possible to create a garden that will encourage your child to learn a whole host of different skills. We take a look at all that gardens have to offer, and give some great advice on how you can turn your child's fingers green.
Paints on egg box
What's so educational about model building?
You may think model building is a thing of the past, but in fact there are more exciting and diverse kits available than ever. And with so many educational benefits to them, there really is no better time to unplug the games console and give it a try.
Boy playing football
17 new hobbies to try this summer
It's time to take up a new hobby (or 30!). Make this summer your kids' most enjoyable ever with our list of new activities to try and love.
Umbrellas in a storm
18 great (free) rainy day activities
This is Britain. Rainy days are par for the course, so read on for some great ideas of things to do when the heavens open. You won't need to spend a penny or venture outside at all!
Boy wearing mask
Top craft activities for children
Getting your children to be creative over holidays, weekends, and during after-school time is a great way to nurture their artistic flair and keep them occupied. Try these great activities to get kids crafting.
Brothers in the park with their dog
Teach your child to play outdoors
Past generations of children spent many happy hours enjoying the benefits of playing outdoors. But in recent years, concerns about safety have increased. So how do we encourage safer play outdoors?
Girl playing tea parties
Creating a space to play
Try working together with your child to design, create and build their ultimate play area with our top tips and practical advice.
Cartoon girls playing
How to make outdoor play safe
The sights and sounds of children playing together outdoors have waned over the years, but with them go many learning benefits. Try these tips to inspire safe play outdoors.
Child on climbing frame
The importance of children's play
Play helps a child develop their creative abilities, and takes them into a fun, positive and imaginative world where anything is possible. We explore the benefits of play and offer top tips on how you can encourage all the family to join in.
Children playing 'pile on'
What supervised indoor play offers your child
Children's play is not only a great learning experience, it also can affect their approach to physical exercise and activities in years to come. We take a look at what play centres could offer your child.
Brother and sister playing on laptop
Screen time rules
What do children really think about the amount of time they spend playing computer games? And how can you establish appropriate screen time so your child benefits from technology and all it has to offer? Denise Roberts finds out.
Children colouring in together
Children's playdate etiquette
Mummy blogger, A Modern Mother, shares her top tips for the perfect playdate for your child.
Children on swings
Child safety: stranger danger
Keeping children safe is our top priority as parents. But how do we strike a balance between protecting our little ones, and smothering them?
Family in the park
Child safety while playing outdoors
Outdoors play is important for children’s development – and great fun. So how can we ensure they stay safe?
Teach your child to cycle safely
Teach your child to cycle safely
Learning to ride a bike (and falling off it) is a normal part of growing up, but some parents are delaying teaching their children to cycle because of safety fears. TheSchoolRun finds out how to teach kids to ride confidently and safely, with tips and advice to get you started.
Bike bell
Safe cycling tips for kids
When your child is ready to cycle unsupervised, it’s important to make sure they know how to be safe on the roads. Here are the steps you need to take.
Brothers riding their bikes
Top 10 activities to get kids active
Struggle to peel your child off the sofa to get some exercise? Try these fun activities to get them up and out.
Boy playing cricket
How to keep your family fit and active
After long days at work and school, exercise is often the last thing on our minds, yet it's crucial for our health. So what can we do to keep active as a family and pack everyday life with easy, enjoyable exercise opportunities?
Little girl looking through camera
Photography for children – the benefits
Find top tips on children's photography and great photographic 'assignments' you can try with your budding photographer.
Boy drawing plans on blackboard
DIY for children – what it teaches them
Have you ever considered keeping your kids busy round the house with a spot of DIY? Find out what it could teach your child, plus some handy activities to try.
Girl laughing with violin
5 top tips for success learning an instrument
Increased self-confidence, better coordination skills, more focus and general well-being... just a few of the benefits of learning to play an instrument, parents say. Follow this advice to support your child in their musical education; it will take time (years!) and patience, but the rewards for the whole family are immense.
Boy having piano lesson
How to support your child in learning an instrument
Fewer children than ever are taking up a musical instrument. However, learning music is a fantastic skill. How do we get our children to take it up and which instrument should you pick? Emily Organ reports.