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Year 4 Maths worksheets

6 times table Venn diagram worksheet

6 times table Venn diagram

Use a Venn diagram to sort the numbers on this worksheet to show which are in the six times table, which are greater than 30, which fall into both categories, and which don't belong in any of the categories.
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Year 4 mental maths test

Year 4 mental maths test

Get some early SATs preparation in with the help of this timed mental maths test, with questions aimed at students in year 4.
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Mental Maths learning pack

Mental Maths challenges

For primary school students, mental maths is more than being able to work out sums in their head without writing anything down. It's an important skill that incorporates all of the maths concepts they learn, and that they'll be tested on throughout the primary-school years. Help your child gain confidence and accuracy in mental maths with tests targeted at their year group, plus a comprehensive guide for parents on what mental maths is all about.
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Times Tables Funpack

Times Tables Funpack

Need some fun strategies to help your child's times tables stick? Our Times Tables Funpack offers puzzles and games galore. There are fairground ducks to hook, safe codes to decipher, dominoes to play with and more. Your child will be so busy puzzle-solving, they won't even realise they're putting their tables into practice.
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KS2 Sudoku puzzle

KS2 Sudoku puzzle

Download this fun Sudoku puzzle for kids in KS2, using numbers 1-6.
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Spot the wrong answers: 7 times table worksheet

Spot the wrong answers: 7 times table

Which of these number sentences from the 7 times table are correct, and which aren't? What would you do to fix the incorrect ones?
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Speed grids: 7 times table division facts worksheet

Speed grids: 7 times table division facts

In this 7 times table worksheet, divide each number in the first speed grid by 7, then try to beat your own record by completing the rest of the grids!
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Find multiples of 7 worksheet

Find multiples of 7

Have your child colour in the aliens' eyes that show multiples of 7 in this fun times table worksheet.
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7 times table speed grids worksheet

7 times table speed grids

Ready for a challenge? Work through these 7 times table speed grids, trying to beat your previous time with each go. How quickly can you complete one grid?
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7 times table quick quiz worksheet

7 times table quick quiz

How well do you know the 7 times table? Test yourself by colouring in the correct answer to the number sentences on this worksheet.
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7 times table practice drill worksheet

7 times table practice drill

Have your child work through the 7 times table in order on the left of this worksheet, then test their knowledge with jumbled up number sentences on the right.
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7 times table number sentences worksheet

7 times table number sentences

What's missing from these 7 times table number sentences? Fill in the correct number in each crater.
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7 times table matching challenge worksheet

7 times table matching challenge

Match the spaceships to their aliens to complete these number sentences from the 7 times table.
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7 times table as repeated addition worksheet

7 times table as repeated addition

Have your child rewrite the 7 times table as addition number sentences.
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Spot the wrong answers: 9 times table worksheet

Spot the wrong answers: 9 times table

These number sentences have been solved, but the person who did hasn't checked their work very well! Have your child spot which ones are incorrect. For an extra challenge, have them figure out what would make the problems correct.
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Speed grids: 9 times table division facts worksheet

Speed grids: 9 times table division facts

Speed grids are a great way to help memorise times tables - have your child try this one with multiples of nine.
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Find multiples of 9 worksheet

Find multiples of 9

Some of these aliens have multiples of nine, and some don't. Colour in the ones that do, then check your answers at the bottom of the page.
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9 times table speed grids worksheet

9 times table speed grids

Multiply the numbers in each grid by 9, and try to beat your previous time on each one!
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9 times tables quick quiz worksheet

9 times table quick quiz

How fast can your child work through this multiple-choice quiz about the nine times table? Have them circle or colour in the correct answers.
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9 times table practice drill worksheet

9 times table practice drill

Help your child learn their 9 times table by filling in the correct answers to these number sentences. How quickly can they do it?
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