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Grammar worksheets

Identifying adjectives and powerful verbs worksheet

Identifying adjectives and powerful verbs

Read this adventure story. Can you identify the adjectives and powerful verbs that the author has used to make this piece of writing interesting to the reader?
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Homonyms worksheet


Homonyms are words that share the same spelling and sound the same but can have two completely different meanings. Look at these pairs of sentences. Can you fill in the homonyms from the box below?
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Forming comparatives and superlatives by adding -er and -est worksheet

Forming comparatives and superlatives by adding -er and -est

Can you write the comparative (ending in -er) and superlative (ending in -est) of each of these adjectives? Remember, the comparative form of an adjective is used for comparing two people or things (for example, Tom is taller than me). The superlat ive is used for comparing one person or thing with every other member of a group (for example, Tom is the tallest boy in the class).
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Correcting punctuation worksheet

Correcting punctuation

Maisie has written a letter to her favourite author, but she has forgotten all the punctuation! Can you go through her letter and add in capital letters and full stops? You may also need to include some exclamation marks, question marks and commas.
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Calligrams worksheet


Can you turn any of these words into calligrams? Be as inventive as you can! Search the internet for calligrams and be inspired!
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Roll the word die sentences worksheet

Roll the word die sentences

Cut out the shape below. Fold along the lines and stick the flaps to make a cube. Then roll your word die and write down a sentence with that word in it. Don’t forget capital letters and full stops! Get
your mum and dad to have a go too! Who can write the silliest sentence?
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Punctuation worksheet

Full stop or question mark?

Bella can’t remember where to put a full stop and where to put a question mark. Can you help her?
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Comparatives worksheet

Comparatives: choosing words to complete sentences

Choose a word to complete the sentences; there may be a few words you could choose for each, so whichever you prefer!
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Word puzzles for Key Stage 2 English learning pack

Word puzzles for Key Stage 2 English

Are you and your child tired of the same old English revision and practice sessions? Try something completely new and give them these fun English word puzzles instead! They'll review everything from connectives to apostrophes, using what they learn in class to solve codes, crosswords and wordsearches.
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Word puzzles for Key Stage 1 English learning pack

Word puzzles for Key Stage 1 English

Take a break from homework and spelling drills with this collection of word puzzles for Key Stage 1! Each one covers a different concept that your child will learn in English lessons, but presents it as something to solve by remembering what they've been taught in class.
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Join sentences with connectives worksheet

Join sentences with connectives

Choose which connectives you'd like to use to join the sentences in this worksheet
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Question marks practice worksheet

Question marks practice

Have your child decide which sentences need question marks, and which need full stops.
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Practise the -ing rule worksheet

Practise the -ing rule

In this worksheet, your child can practise the -ing rule and add it onto the ends of words.
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Practise adding adjectives worksheet

Practise adding adjectives

Help your child get used to using adjectives by turning these plain sentences into ones that are interesting to read.
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Using similes worksheet

Using similes

Help your child practise using similes by completing these phrases to make comparisons.
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Using contrasting connectives

Using contrasting connectives

Can you finish these sentences to show contrasting opinions? Choose a connective from the box below and then write two second parts for each sentence, one supporting zoos and one in opposition to zoos. An example is done for you.
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Write full sentences worksheet

Write full sentences

Convert basic notes about a fun day at the Natural History Museum into full sentences and paragraphs.
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Using descriptive words worksheet

Using descriptive words

In this worksheet, your child can practise writing sentences with descriptive words, and understand why they are more interesting to read than sentences without descriptive words.
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Full stops, commas and capital letters practice worksheet

Full stops, commas and capital letters practice

Help your child understand where and when to use commas and full stops by filling them into the text on this worksheet. Don't forget to add capital letters at the start of new sentences!
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Practise -tion words worksheet

Practise -tion words

In this worksheet, your child can learn how to spell words that end in -tion, and write them in sentences.
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