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Addition worksheets

Finding change word problems worksheet

Finding change word problems

Here are some tricky number problems. Can you solve them? Use the number line snake to help if you want!
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Counting around the house worksheet

Counting around the house

Look at the items in the table. Can you find them in your home? How many can you find? Count them and fill in the table!
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Calculating change to 20p worksheet

Calculating change to 20p

Harry has 20p to spend on a snack. How much change will he get if he buys these items? Practise your subtraction (taking away) skills.
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All in my head addition and subtraction game

All in my head addition and subtraction game

Cut out and assemble the number dice. Two players take it in turns to throw one die, then the other. Each player adds (or subtracts) the two numbers thrown, then writes down the answer on the scorecard (next page) and asks the other person to check it. The player with the most correct answers after ten goes each is the winner.
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10 more or less number cards

10 more or less number cards

Can you add or take away 10? Cut out the number cards and turn them face down on a table. Pick up one card at a time. Write down the number, then write 10 more and 10 less than that number in the scorecard columns.
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Y3 problem-solving: all four operations worksheet

Y3 problem-solving: all four operations

Look at these problems and think about whether you need to add, subtract, multiply or divide. Can you write out the calculation? `draw diagrams if you get stuck.
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Y3 problem-solving: addition worksheet

Y3 problem-solving: addition

Use this teacher-created worksheet to help your Year 3 child practise their problem-solving skills with addition. Can you solve these tricky word problems using your addition skills?
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Using the inverse operation worksheet

Using the inverse operation

Mark has worked out the answers to these calculations, Look through and estimate what you think the answers should be. Afterwards, use a calculator to check whether Mark’s answers were correct.
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Quick addition and subtraction worksheet

Quick addition and subtraction

Set a stopwatch and time yourself working out the first set of ten number sentences. Now time yourself doing the next set. Did you beat your first time? See if you can get faster doing the third and fourth
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Partitioning to add three-digit numbers worksheet

Partitioning to add three-digit numbers

When adding two three-digit numbers, add the hundreds numbers first, then the tens numbers and then the units. Can you use this method to work out these problems?
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Addition number puzzle worksheet

Addition number puzzle

Mark has eight cards and he needs to arrange them in this grid so that there is a card in every square, except the middle one. They need to be arranged so that each column and each row of numbers adds up to 10. Can you work out how to do it?
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Addition and subtraction facts practice worksheet

Addition and subtraction facts practice

How quickly can you finish this sheet of addition and subtraction calculations? Ready, steady, go...
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Adding two-digit numbers using partitioning worksheet

Adding two-digit numbers using partitioning

When adding two two-digit numbers, it is a good idea to add the tens first, then add both the units and finally add the two results. Can you use this method to work out these sums?
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Y1 money word problems worksheet

Y1 money word problems: addition to 40p

Let's go shopping! Can you work out how much it will cost to buy these items?
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Mixed-up mental maths worksheet

Mixed-up mental maths

How quickly can you answer these mental maths questions? Get an adult to time you! On your marks, get set...
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Calculations: different ways of working out worksheet

Calculations: different ways of working out

Can you draw pictures to help solve these tricky word problems?
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Addition story problems: adding three numbers worksheet

Addition story problems: adding three numbers

Can you read through these story problems and do the calculations?
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Adding 10 to a number worksheet

Adding 10 to a number

This is a calculation machine! It’s set to programme Add 10 today. Every number that goes in gets 10 added to it. Choose some numbers to go into the machine, then use the 100 square to add 10 to each one. Remember: you don’t need to count along 10 to add 10 to your number, just drop down one row on the 100 square.
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Year 1 money maths: coin combinations worksheet

Year 1 money maths: coin combinations

How good are you at counting money? Can you combine these coins and fill the purse?
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Using the correct calculation worksheet

Using the correct calculation

Work out what these problems are asking you to do. Then write the calculation and work it out!
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