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Year 6 articles

Girl laughing with violin
5 top tips for success learning an instrument
Increased self-confidence, better coordination skills, more focus and general well-being... just a few of the benefits of learning to play an instrument, parents say. Follow this advice to support your child in their musical education; it will take time (years!) and patience, but the rewards for the whole family are immense.
Boy having piano lesson
How to support your child in learning an instrument
Fewer children than ever are taking up a musical instrument. However, learning music is a fantastic skill. How do we get our children to take it up and which instrument should you pick? Emily Organ reports.
Movie reel
What children gain from school film clubs
Film clubs are enjoying a resurgence of interest thanks to a new scheme which provides schools with a range of films and the technology to screen them. Schools claim the learning opportunities are broad. We sent Emily Organ to investigate.
Letters in sand
How multi-sensory learning works
Multi-sensory learning is a not only a great way to help children develop their literacy skills, it's also great fun. Author of Spelling Made Magic, Clare Winstanley, explores the technique.
Reading tips for dyslexic children
Top tips to help your dyslexic child enjoy reading
Reading might be difficult for some dyslexic children, but that doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy it. We have tips to help you inspire them to love books.
Child holding globe
How to help your child learn a foreign language
Learning a language opens up a whole new world for children. But where should you start? Dawn Francis-Pester reports.
Mum and daughter giggling
How storytelling can boost learning
As a tool for developing speaking skills, literacy and bonding between parent and child, storytelling is unsurpassed. Phoebe Doyle investigates why it’s so beneficial.
Boy studying a map
Simple strategies to end the homework wars
Do battles over homework leave you – and your children – seething? Moira Holden looks at ways to make homework time run more smoothly.
Happy children
How to help your child to love learning
Want to support your child’s education but at a loss as to where to start? Emily Organ spoke to educational psychologist Jeni Hooper to pick up some practical, easy-action tips.
Little girls at computer
The importance of ICT
Information and communication technology (ICT) is such an integral part of our lives that it is embedded right across the curriculum. Crispin Andrews looks at its importance.
Girl engrossed in her computer
The benefits of blogging for your child
Blogs are a great way to help children use ICT to express themselves but keeping them safe online is vital. Read our advice on safe blogging and how it can help your child learn.
Boy smiling at computer
Home learning with an ICT twist
Help your child get ahead with their ICT skills and learning in other subjects all at once with these clever tips
Children working at computer
How technology can boost dyslexic children's learning
Mind mapping is a great way for dyslexic children to learn and using computer software to do it makes it even easier. Read on to find out more.
Class sat at computers
Is technology changing the way children learn?
If you’ve ever seen your toddler load a DVD, then you’ll already have realised just how quickly today’s children take to technology. But why is technology so important in primary education? Camilla Chafer reports.
Maths addition number sentences on the blackboard
Three tips to help your child with maths
Giving your child too much help with their maths work can be detrimental to their learning, but it’s still good to show your support. Read on for top tips and techniques to get your child learning maths independently.
Little girl with stacks of books
How to create a good homework/life balance
School and homework can take up a large portion of every day. In addition, more hours are dedicated to extra-curricular classes after school and at weekends. As much as many children love learning, they need down time too. Camilla Chafer investigates how you can strike a balance.
Dad doing homework with his children
How to help your child with their homework
Homework is the bane of many parents’ lives. Whether it’s getting your child to sit down and get on with it or knowing how to help them, Camilla Chafer finds out how to get good homework habits in place.
Girl in library
Why a homework club could work for your child
Is getting homework done a constant struggle? An after-school homework club could be the solution, says Moira Holden
Child with their head in their hands
What to do if your child is excluded from school
Exclusion can be a very distressing experience for all involved and disrupts a child's education. Gerry German, Director of the Communities Empowerment Network, offers some advice on what to do.
Empty desk
Truancy: why it’s risky for parents and children
Although you may not realise it, truancy can not only affect your child's attitude towards school and their ability to learn, it can also affect you as a parent. Read on to find out why.
Child with their head between their knees
What to do when your child hates school
Frequent sick-days and a general reluctance to go in are signs that your child is not enjoying their school experience. Follow this expert advice on how to address and resolve these issues.
Group of governors
How to become a school governor
School governors work with head teachers to decide policies, oversee management and create a general ethos for the school. We take a look at who can become a school governor and what role they play in the community.
Group of mums
The benefits of joining a PTA
Why should a parent join the PTA? National Confederation of Parent Teacher Associations (NCPTA) communications manager Laura Warren explains.
Teacher reading with pupil
What are home-school agreements?
Your guide to how home-school agreements work and how they can improve communication between schools and parents.
Little girl laughing
Making sense of the SEN Code of Practice
Your guide to some of the key procedures and recommended actions in the SEN Code of Practice. Plus find tips on supporting your child.
Mum and child working at computer together
Home education: what could it offer your child?
Why do parents choose home education for their children and what are the benefits of this type of education? Find out here.
'Back to school' written on blackboard
Back to school tips
When those blissful weeks of the summer holidays are drawing to a close, here’s what you can do to help your child get back in gear for school.
Children wearing life jackets
School trips - what to expect
Your guide to why school trips are organised and how you can prepare your child to make the most of learning outside the classroom.
Letter to teacher
Great gift ideas for teachers
Chocolates or smellies are typically the gifts of choice but if you fancying giving something more original try one of these ideas.
Page of workbook
7 ways to get the best out of parents' evening
Does your mind go blank as soon as you sit down with your child’s teacher? Lucy Dimbylow offers expert tips on making the most of parents’ evening.
Teacher working with children
8 questions you must ask your child's teacher
No one understands your child's academic development better than their teacher. Lucy Dimbylow explains how to get the best out of parent-teacher meetings by asking these eight questions.
School-themed biscuits
Teachers' best and worst gifts ever
Yes, it’s the thought that counts, but what would teachers really like as a thank-you gift at the end of term? Lucy Dimbylow asked them to reveal their favourite ever presents – and the ones they could have lived without
Electric guitar
Why music is important in the national curriculum
Music helps children learn across subjects and can help to build social and cultural values, too. Find out more about why it’s so important for your child.
Character from a play
National curriculum drama: the lowdown
Most children are natural actors and drama helps to unleash their creativity and build up their confidence. Find out what your child will be learning in class and how you can develop their flair for the theatrical at home.
Boy and girl covered in paint
National curriculum art – what they learn
Help to spark your child's artistic streak with these useful tips.
Sisters writing together
Learning literacy at home
The everyday world provides a wealth of learning opportunities to get your child using their literacy skills outside school. Try these top tips to get your child writing and reading at home.
Girl looking worried
National curriculum PSHE explained
PSHE stands for Personal, Social, Health and Economic education. It is an important part of your child's national curriculum learning. So what does it cover and how can you support your child at home?
Happy girl reading book
What is primary SEAL?
SEAL promotes social and emotional literacy in children and equips them with the skills they need to lead a healthy, happy life. We explore the different aspects and how you can get involved.
Magnifying glass over map
National curriculum geography – is it a dying subject?
Geography should be one of the most exciting parts of the school timetable, so why do so many children find it boring? Melissa Murphy unearths ways to put geography back on the map
Teacher talking to child
Alternative education: what are the benefits?
We take a look at alternative schools and what they have to offer your child.