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Year 6 articles

Children at computers
How your Year 6 child develops
As they look forward to the move to secondary school, what is changing for your Year 6 child?
Once upon a time
Year 6 English: what your child learns
Find out what your child will be taught in Year 6 English and support their learning at home so they feel confident in their skills, ready for the move to secondary school.
Year 6 maths: what your child learns
Your child might be becoming quite the whiz with numbers by now. Find out how their maths knowledge will be developed in year 6.
Signpost with scientific questions on it
Year 6 science: what your child learns
Your guide to what your child’s Year 6 teacher will cover in science lessons.
Apple with 'A+' written on it
School reports decoded
It’s the end of term and that means one thing – school report time. But what exactly do those cryptic comments in your child’s report mean? Jessica Powell gets teachers to explain.
Apostrophe rules
Apostrophes – get them right every time
Apostrophes are tricky things. Do they imply ownership or are they there to denote a missing letter? Do they go before the ‘s’ or after? Jackie Cosh explains how to help your child master them.
Boy doing maths work
Do boys learn in a different way to girls?
Research shows boys are lagging behind girls in reading, writing, maths and science. If the teaching is the same, is gender the issue? Emily Organ explores boys' achievement in the classroom.
RE lesson in primary school
How is religion taught in schools?
Every school has to teach religious education and hold an act of worship each day. But what happens if you don’t like what’s on offer? In this extract from TheSchoolRun's The Essential Guide to Primary School, we explore what your child learns and your rights as a parent.
Page of maths work
How to help with maths homework: a non-expert's guide
Maths is one subject that fills many parents with dread - but is it really so hard? We talk to author and deputy head teacher Matt Revill to find out how parents can help their children's maths learning.
Girl practising handwriting
Five steps to success in developing your child’s handwriting
In a world where technology is rapidly taking over, teaching children handwriting skills is still as important as it ever was. Best-selling author Bernadette Tynan offers five steps to handwriting success.
Little girl writing
Handwriting practice makes perfect
Why is handwriting practice so important, and how can you help your child to learn? Find out in our guide.
Young children in classroom
How debating can benefit your child
From improving speaking and listening skills to building self-esteem, learning to debate could have many benefits for your primary-school child. Lucy Dimbylow finds out more.
Scissors in classroom
The primary design and technology curriculum
Is your child a budding designer? We take a look at what design and technology lessons involve.
Sum on blackboard
Learning numeracy at home
All around us are a wealth of mathematical problems just waiting to be solved. Here’s how to help your child extend their numeracy skills at home.
Secondary school children
How to survive starting secondary school
Want to help your child prepare for their first term at secondary school? Sam Stephenson, now in Y8, shares the information he wishes he'd known this time last year.
Tired boy reading at desk
Is your child getting enough sleep?
Is your child overtired – or not tired enough? Here’s how to make sure they’re getting the right amount of sleep for their age.
Parent teacher meeting tips from real parents
Whether you’re preparing for your first meeting, or want to improve on past experience, these top tips will help you know what to get out of your time with your child’s teacher.
Girl wearing glasses
Boost your child's confidence with glasses
Making the transition to wearing glasses doesn’t have to be traumatic! We get tips from parents and experts on how to make the experience stress-free and confidence-building.
Girl struggling with reading
Homework tips for children with dyslexia
The British Dyslexia Association shares tips to help make doing homework a calm and productive process for your dyslexic child.
Woman's hand writing
10 common secondary school application mistakes
Applying for a job is a walk in the park compared to choosing, applying for and getting your child into your preferred secondary school. In the next few frantic weeks, half a million families will be putting pen to paper – so make sure your application form doesn’t contain any of their common mistakes.
Secondary school ICT
13 things you must look for during a secondary school visit
Starting the secondary school application process and feeling a bit clueless? We quizzed the experts (and the parents who’ve been there and done it) to find out what you should look out for when touring schools.
Child solving addition problems - partitioning
What is partitioning?
Not sure what your child means when they talk about partitioning numbers in maths problems? We explain the method, and how your child will use it.
Walk to School Month
7 vital road safety skills you must teach your child
Worried about your child walking to school on their own? Help them become street savvy during Walk to School Month by teaching them these key principles of walking safely.
Child awake in bed
Growing pains explained
Aches and pain don’t just happen in your 80s – children can experience strong twinges and throbbings, which can even wake them up at night. Dr. David Shortland explains how to help your child through it.
Father and son homework time
How to use a SATs past paper: KS2 science
Although your child will no longer sit the KS2 SATs science test, you can still help them develop their skills by practising on a past paper together. Our teacher-tips guide explains how to administer the test at home.
Girl doing homework
How to use a SATs past paper: KS2 maths
Help your child get to grips with their KS2 maths SATs test format by completing past papers at home. Our parent's guide offers guidance on how to administer the test, from the equipment your child needs to what examiners are looking for to award top marks.
Child writing at home
How to use a SATs past paper: KS2 English
Completing past papers is a great way to help your child prepare for their Year 6 SATs, but how should you use the tests at home? Read our guide, compiled by a primary-school teacher, to help your child get the most out of their reading and spelling practice for the KS2 English SATs test.
Pupil queuing for school meal
Managing allergies at school: a guide for parents
It’s easy to keep track of what your child eats when they’re at home, but school is another matter. We’ve rounded up the latest advice on how to manage your child’s allergies at school.
Easy ways to engage your child with maths
Easy ways to engage your child with maths
Do the words “I need help with my maths homework” strike fear into your heart? Our tried-and-tested tips from maths experts will help change your child’s attitude to numbers – and yours
Child in Willy Wonka costume BigStock
Roald Dahl Day: five ways to celebrate
While there’s always a reason to enjoy and celebrate the amazing books that Roald Dahl wrote, make a special effort on Roald Dahl Day to organise phizz-whizzingly brilliant activities and scrumdiddlyumptious treats!
TheSchoolRun great family days out map
Great family days out, recommended by parents
Looking for a great family day out? From the Kyle of Lochalsh in the north to Helston in Cornwall in the south, TheSchoolRun’s interactive Great Family Days Out Map offers hundreds of suggestions from the people who know best – real parents.
Piggy bank
Simple ways to save on school costs
We all want to give our children the best in life, but with the cost of living rising it can seem impossible to pinch those pennies and pay for school materials at the same time. Uniforms, meals, trips and birthday parties – the list goes on. But who knows how to budget better than a primary-school parent? Check out our tried-and-tested budgeting tips from other parents.

Child washing hands at sink
Threadworms: all your questions answered
It’s easy to feel horrified if your child gets threadworms, but don’t panic! They’re very common among kids – and easy to treat. Here are all your pressing questions answered.
Girl with Halloween pumpkins
No-sew Halloween costume ideas
No need for complicated patterns or topnotch sewing skills – get ready for Halloween with these easy costume ideas. Ghosts, wizards, witches and more can be created in less than an hour and the kids can help, too. Emily Organ waves her wand and shows us how.
Boy writing at desk
Your 9-month KS2 SATs preparation plan
Children starting Year 6 in September will face the prospect of KS2 SATs exams in maths and English in May. There's no need to panic, but you will want to avoid last-minute cramming. Moira Holden suggests a nine-month plan to help your child be the best they can be.
Teacher and children
8 things you must do to lay the foundations of a great school year
Want to know how to get your child off to a flying start next term? Who better to ask than the experts! Wendy Golledge quizzed eight primary school teachers for their tips on preparing your child for the school year ahead.
Boy looking through a magnifying glass
Could your child be gifted?
Does your child excel in academic subjects, on the sports field or with a musical instrument? We take a look at how to tell if they are exceptionally able – or just bright.
Boy writing maths on blackboard
What to expect from school if you have a more able child
Highly able children sometimes struggle to get the support they need from school. We explain what to expect and who to turn to for help.
Child swinging
What is enrichment?
Education is more than just mastering English and maths - it's also about activities that extend children's learning through new experiences and opportunities. We take a look at how enrichment benefits primary school kids.
Girl and laptop
Gifted and talented: your questions answered
If you've been told your child is highly able, you'll have lots of questions. We asked the experts to explain what to expect.