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Ks2 articles

2 times table tips and tricks
Learning the 2 times table: tips and tricks
The 2 times table is the foundation of all multiplication tables learning. Follow educator John Bald's practical and very specific advice to help you support your child with the 2 times table and find links to worksheets and games to make practice fun.
Times tables learning
Times tables: the best ways to learn
Each multiplication table has its own pattern and poses a different challenge to learners. Teacher and educational consultant John Bald offers practical strategies and ideas to help your child learn each times table and boost their confidence with multiplication.
World Book Day costumes to buy
Brilliant costumes to buy for World Book Day
No time to put a World Book Day costume together? Buy one of these fantastic, budget-fitting outfits that your child will want to wear again after World Book Day for fancy dress parties, Halloween or just playing at home.
KS2 SATs maths helper
SATs revision: your KS2 SATs maths helper
Some of the maths topics your child needs to know by the time they sit their SATs at the end of KS2 can appear daunting, but we suggest simple and effective ways to practise and revise at home.
Primary school gardening projects
Growing to achieve at school
Gardening is part of the National Curriculum framework, so it's vital children understand plants. They'll cover the science in the classroom, but we suggest some fun ways to see the theory in action and get them growing (no garden or green fingers required!).
Primary-school numeracy glossary
Primary numeracy glossary for parents
From area to word problems, TheSchoolRun's primary-school numeracy glossary offers a complete guide to all the maths concepts children are taught in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. Brush up on your own mathematical skills, clear up homework confusion and understand exactly what your child is learning at school by reading our basic definitions (with links to more detailed explanations, teachers' tips and examples).
What is a noun?
What is a noun?
Get common nouns and concrete nouns clear in your mind and understand proper nouns and pronouns - our simple guide explains everything primary-school parents need to know about nouns and how to form the plural forms correctly.
Primary-school literacy glossary
Primary literacy glossary for parents
From adjectives to writing frames, TheSchoolRun's primary-school literacy glossary offers a complete guide to all the concepts children are taught in EYFS, KS1 and KS2 English. Brush up on your own literacy skills, clear up homework confusion and understand exactly what your child is learning at school by reading our basic definitions (with links to more detailed explanations, teachers' tips and examples).
What is verb tense?
What is verb tense?
Verb tenses tell us when an action took place in the present, past or future. Help your child understand the main verb tenses (simple present and present continuous, simple past and past continuous, simple future and future continuous) and understand which tenses are used in different kinds of texts.
How to choose the best sports club for kids
How to choose the right sports club for your child
Only one three-letter word matters when looking for a great sports club for your child. No, not ‘win’, but ‘fun’. Andrew Shields explains.
Managing divorce and separation at school
Managing separation and divorce at school
Separation isn’t just a family affair – the consequences need to be managed at school, too. Moira Holden explains the legalities involved and experts give advice on how to deal with your child’s education as a separated family.
Managing asthma in primary school
Managing asthma in primary school
Managing asthma at school can be a challenge, but new legislation will ensure that children with long-term health needs receive extra support. Jo Willacy reports.
Specific Language Impairment explained for parents
The parents’ guide to developmental language disorder
A significant percentage of children are thought to be affected by DLD, but it often goes unrecognised. We look at how to spot the signs and help your child.
Sex and relationships: how to talk to your primary-school child
Sex and relationships: how to talk to your primary-school child
How should you discuss the birds and the bees with your child and when, and what can you expect your school to provide in terms of sex and relationships education? We asked the experts for their guidance for the primary-school years.
Anaphylaxis in schools
Dealing with anaphylaxis in schools
If your child suffers from a severe food allergy, sending them to school every day can be a daily battle of trust. Jo Willacy takes a look at policy, action plans and training for parents and school staff to help tackle allergy management concerns.
Diabetes glucose testing
Managing diabetes at school
If your child has diabetes, which is a condition when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin, you want to know that they’ll be as healthy and safe as possible at school. We share tips about drawing up a care plan, communicating effectively with school and raising awareness of diabetes with teachers and carers.
Languages in primary school
Language-learning in primary schools
Since September 2014, the new National Curriculum has made learning a language compulsory in Key Stage 2. We explain how it works and what languages your child might be introduced to.
Christmas books 2013
14 of the best new books for children for Christmas 2013
Start a new tradition of reading in front of the tree on the evening of 25 December with these brilliant new books for 4-11 year olds. From thrillers to Dr Who adventures, picture books to hide-under-the-covers scare stories, they'll transport your child around the globe and back and forwards in time so effectively that all the new screens and interactive games will be forgotten. Happy reading!
What are word problems?
What is a word problem?
We explain what a word problem is and give examples of the types of word problems your child might be challenged with in each primary-school maths year group, from Year 1 to Year 6.
What is a percentage?
What is a percentage?
We explain what a percentage is, how children are taught to understand the concept, to find percentages of numbers and to compare fractions of amounts to percentages of amounts.
What is capacity?
What is capacity?
We explain what capacity means and how children are taught to understand the concept in KS1 and learn about the relationship between millilitres and litres, and in KS2 use decimal notation to record the capacity of water and convert between units of measurement.
What is a pie chart?
How to draw and interpret pie charts
We explain what a pie chart is, how it is used to help us understand data and how children are taught to interpret pie charts.
Prime numbers
What is a prime number?
We explain what prime numbers are and give examples of the types of questions KS2 children might be asked to test their knowledge of prime numbers.
Square numbers
What are square numbers?
We explain what square numbers are and how children are taught to know square numbers plus the corresponding squares of multiples of 10. We also explain how knowledge of square numbers can help when it comes to working out the area of a square.
What are mixed numbers?
What are improper fractions and mixed numbers?
We explain what improper fractions and mixed numbers are and how the relationship between them can be taught to primary-school children.
What is long multiplication?
What is long multiplication?
We explain what the long multiplication method is and review how multiplication skills are built up through each year of primary school.
What is the grid method?
What is the grid method?
We explain what the grid method is, how it is taught in primary-school maths and how it is used to multiply a two-digit number by a one-, two- or three-digit numbers, when multiplying amounts of money and when multiplying decimals.
What are negative numbers?
What are negative numbers?
We explain what negative numbers are and how children can be taught the concept using a number line, as well as looking at the types of questions that children might be asked involving negative numbers.
What are mode, mean, median and range?
What are mode, mean, median and range?
We explain the meaning of the terms mode, mean, median and range, with examples of how to find each of these from a set of numbers, as well as examples of the types of questions primary-school children might be asked when interpreting data sets.
What is rotation?
What is rotation of shapes?
We explain what the term rotation means in geometry, how primary-school children are taught to rotate shapes clockwise or anticlockwise or about the centre, and how to combine rotation with coordinates.
What is translation?
What is translation of shapes?
We explain what the term translation means in primary-school geometry and how children are taught to translate a shape on squared paper and to combine coordinates with translation of shapes.
Fractions wall
What are equivalent fractions and simplifying fractions?
We explain what equivalent fractions are, how the concept of equivalence is introduced in primary school maths and how knowledge of equivalent fractions is then used to simplify fractions.
What is area?
What is area?
We explain what the term area means and how children are taught to calculate the area of a shape.
What is the perimeter?
What is the perimeter?
We explain what the perimeter is and how teachers explain the concept to children in KS2, as well as showing the types of perimeter word problems children could be faced with.
Multiples and factors
What are multiples and factors?
We explain what multiples and factors are and how children are taught to recognise multiples from Year 1 and factors from Year 5, with examples of the types of problem they might be asked to solve.
What are standard and non-standard units?
What are standard and non-standard units?
We explain what standard and non-standard units are and how non-standard units can help children understand the concept of weight before they master the skill of accurate measurement and converting units of measurement
What are unit fractions?
What are unit fractions?
We explain what unit fractions are and why children need to understand the concept of unit fractions before moving onto more advanced fractions learning.
What is symmetry?
What is symmetry?
We explain what symmetry is and how primary-school children are taught to find the line of symmetry and draw lines of symmetry on different shapes.
Tessellating shapes
What are tessellating shapes?
We explain what tessellating shapes are and why tessellation may be taught in primary school as part of learning about 2D shapes.
What is an estimate?
What is an estimate?
We explain how children are taught to make estimates to check whether their answers are correct and how this skill is applied to more difficult calculations as your child advances through primary school.